An order cannot be cancelled or modified once it has started production after proof and job approval. If the order is not yet in production, you may request a cancellation and refund by calling our Customer Service Team at 1-800-991-3702 . Depending on the stage of production at which job is at, a full refund may or may not be possible.

We want you to be happy with your custom printed items. If you find defects with your items, we must be notified within 14 days after completion or delivery. If there is an error in the manufacture of your goods, we will do our best to remedy the situation.  If a reprint is requested, and the product is found to be defective, Hotshot Coffee Sleeves will reprint at no charge to the customer with the same production and delivery terms extending from the time of resolution. In some cases, if clients wish to keep the misprinted goods and use them, we may offer a partial refund or discount on future orders. Samples and photos of the defective product may be requested prior to any action being taken.

Please note that orders damaged or delayed in shipping are the responsibility of the courier / carrier and may require several days to remedy as we must work with the courier to track and trace the order.

All approved refunds will be processed on the original method of payment.

Please keep in mind that all custom orders are non-refundable and non-exchangeable, so make sure all the print options you choose and the info you provide are accurate prior to purchasing our product.