Benefits of Having Custom Coffee Sleeve Design For Your Business
A good cup of coffee is sometimes the only thing that gets many people going in the morning. And with today’s busy work environment, sometimes a quick cup of coffee is all that people have time for at the beginning of their day. But the thing about coffee is that it’s best served hot, which can be uncomfortable if you’re holding it directly on the cup. To solve this, a genius somewhere invented coffee sleeves to help keep the heat off your hands as you enjoy your morning routine. Another genius came up with a great idea: custom coffee sleeves. Here’s a few ways that coffee sleeves can help your business.
Widely Applicable Advertising
With a custom coffee sleeve, you can put your logo, your advertisements, your slogans, or whatever else your marketing team comes up with quite literally into the hands of your customers. These coffee sleeves work as walking billboards, allowing your business to advertise effectively in a variety of settings. On a morning train ride or during a break, many people idly read anything at hand. With a custom coffee sleeve, you’ll have your message very close by to the people you want it to reach. With HotShot Coffee Sleeves, you can even have multiple images or different slogans, in a variety of excellent colors and sharp detail. A run of custom coffee sleeves is a fantastic way to advertise.
Cost-Effective Solution
Not only is it a great way to get your message out there, it’s also a comparatively inexpensive one. For just a few hundred dollars, you can get over a thousand sleeves printed to your exact specifications. Hot Shot Coffee Sleeves has a great variety of pricing and printing run options that can help you meet whatever need you may have. Do you want to hand out your custom sleeves at a small convention? No problem. Do you want to have a huge supply on hand for an upcoming rush of advertising? They can help with that, too. It’s much less expensive than advertising on TV, radio, or even many places online.
Clear-Conscience Advertising
The great thing about Hot Shot Coffee Sleeves—aside from the amazing advertising opportunity and the low cost—is that they’re also very environmentally friendly. All of the custom coffee sleeves they make are printed with a soy based inks, which are much less damaging to the environment than a traditional ink. That way, you get not only full color options but also a clear conscience about how you are promoting your company. And, if approached by any environmentalist groups, you can assure them that you’re doing your utmost to protect the world we live on.
With the potential benefits of printing a run of custom coffee sleeves for your coffee shop, you would be silly to not give it full consideration. With a huge advertising opportunity that is both low-cost and safe for the environment, Hot Shot Coffee Sleeves is the way to go when looking to promote your business in a useful, creative way.

Barry Konkin is the founder of HotShot Coffee Sleeves. With over 30 years experience in commercial offset printing, Barry utilized his diverse printing background and creativity in developing new coffee sleeve designs that were granted Patents in both the USA and Canada. Barry’s goal is to assist businesses with brand promotion through the use of high quality custom printed cup sleeves. With an understanding of your marketing and operational objectives, Barry can recommend the ideal coffee sleeve solution for you.